Governor Susana Martinez Unveils Latest Powerful Ad to Fight Texting While Driving

Santa Fe, NM — Today, Governor Susana Martinez announced a new powerful ad to fight texting while driving. The ad features a woman who answers a text message while behind the wheel. She then hits and kills a child crossing the street, who haunts her while she sits in prison. The ad can be viewed here.

“A text message is not worth a life -- period,” said Governor Martinez. “It’s very simple – put down your phone when you get behind the wheel – because no text message is that important.”

The ad will run from July 10 through July 16.

Last week, the Governor also unveiled a new ad to fight DWI. Additionally, earlier this week, she announced that one of the state's TV ad campaigns called, "Reality Series - Over the Limit," to combat DWI is currently featured on the Governors Highway Safety Association's website.

The new ad is the latest effort by Governor Martinez and her administration to fight distracted driving in New Mexico. The DNTXT campaign includes ads, billboards, and other materials to remind New Mexicans of the dangers of distracted driving. Additionally, in 2014 Governor Martinez signed legislation prohibiting texting while driving in New Mexico, except when summoning medical or other emergency help.

“At NMDOT we will do whatever we can to keep our roads safe,” NMDOT Cabinet Secretary Tom Church said. “By simply putting down their phone drivers can help us create safer travel in the state.”